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Saturday, March 22, 2014


Friday, March 21, 2014

Riba In The Quran Is Profiteering Not Bank Interest - Part 1

This post is about Islamic banking. I hope all those who are interested will download and keep this post. Bukan apa, because this is 100% opposite of what you have been told about Islamic banking. You will rarely if ever hear this type of views. If you are not interested then its ok.

I hope the Islamic bankers in the country will also download and keep this post. It may save you, the Islamic bankers, from berdosa and committing huge wrongs (perbuatan berdosa) against the people. Because you are always accusing the conventional banks of being haram, silap-silap masuk naar atau api. So better read this carefully. This applies to you too. Kalau silap-silap nanti you too masuk naar atau api.

I received a comment asking about riba in the Quran. Here is the comment:

Anonymous said... Syed, pendapat tuan tentang riba dalam perbankan islam sangat menarik perhatian saya dan mempunyai implikasi yang cukup besar kepada pelanggan perbankan islam seperti saya dan jutaan muslimin/ muslimat seluruh dunia. Jadi saya mohon tuan dapat membuat sebuah huraian di blog ini apa yang di maksudkan riba dalam perbankan islam. Salam.  Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:20:00 AM

Here is my reply. Salam Anon 5:20 AM.

Islamic bankers say that the interest rate (bunga atau faedah) charged by the conventional banks should be called riba. The Islamic bankers say that this 'bank interest' is therefore haram.

Of course riba is haram. But bank interest is not riba and therefore it cannot be haram. For quite a few reasons.

Before we go any further, the Islamic banks also charge interest ('bunga atau faedah'). However they camouflage their "interest rates" under different names. Instead of calling it 'interest' (bunga atau faedah) they call it 'profit rate'. In practise it is still the same. So using their logic the 'bank Islam' is also haram. Plus they are hypocrite or munafik.

Worse still the Islamic banks are often more expensive than the conventional banks or the Jewish banks on Wall Street or London. From the comments that I have received in this Blog, too many Muslims in Malaysia have lost their houses, lost money and have also been bankrupted by the Islamic banks.

So from a practical point of view the so called 'Islamic bank' is often much worse than the conventional banks in oppressing the people or cheating the people of their money. If they oppress the people, this immediately makes their Islamic banking haram.

In my view the Islamic bankers are confused because they do not read ALL the verses in the Quran that deal with business, loan (lending money, yes lah there is a verse in the Quran about lending money) and a just economic system.

Their first mistake is when the Islamic bankers say that there is no such thing as "lending money" or "making a monetary loan" in Islamic banking.  I dont know where they got this illogical idea? Even the Stone Age man would have known about borrowing and lending. Every civilisation in the world knows about lending and borrowing, especially lending and borrowing money. 

And here is a verse in the Quran that clearly describes lending and getting back MONEY. Note that the word dinar is clearly used here.

Surah 3:75  "Some followers of the scripture can be trusted with a whole lot (qinthaarin), and they will repay it back to you. Others among them cannot be trusted with a single dinar; they will not repay you unless you keep after them. That is because they say, "We do not have to be honest when dealing with the gentiles!" Thus, they attribute lies to Allah, knowingly."

Since the word 'dinar' is mentioned, this verse refers to money. Dinar is usually associated with golden coinage. This verse talks about lending money or dinars to the people of the book and then getting them to pay it back to you. This is obviously a loan.

So to say that there are no money loans or financial loans in Islamic banking contradicts Surah 3:75 above.

The Islamic bankers say that there is no loan in Islamic banking. There is only buying and selling and profit sharing partnerships. But in practise what they do is no diferent from the conventional bankers. They still give you money. If you dont pay they will bankrupt you, lelong your house etc. Apa beza?

To be continued.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


1. Nabi Adam ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 1000 tahun Makam : India, menurut satu pendapat ada di Makkah, dan menurut pendapat lain ada di Baitul Maqdis

2. Nabi Idris ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 865 tahun Makam : (tidak ada informasi)

3. Nabi Nuh ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 950 tahun Makam : Masjid Kufah, , menurut satu pendapat ada di al-Jabal al-Ahmar (Gunung Merah), dan menurut pendapat lain ada di dalam al-Masjid al-Haram Makkah.

4. Nabi Hud ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 464 tahun Makam : di Timurnya Hadharamaut, Yaman.

5. Nabi Shalih ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Makam : di Hadharamaut

6. Nabi Luth ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Makam : Shou’ar

7. Nabi Ibrahim ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 200 tahun Kelahiran : Lahir pada 1273 tahun setelah peristiwa banjir dan topan pada masa Nabi Nuh ‘Alaihis Salam. Makam : di kota al-Khalil (Palestina), dimakamkan bersama Sarah (isteri pertamanya).

8. Isma’il ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 137 tahun Makam : dimakamkan di samping Ibunda (yakni Hajar) di Makkah (di sekitar Ka’bah dekat Maqam Ibrahim)

9. Nabi Ishaq ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 180 tahun Makam : dimakamkan bersama Ayahanda (yakni Nabi Ibrahim ‘Alaihis Salam) di kota al-Khalil (Palestina).

10. Nabi Ya’qub ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 137 tahun Wafat : di Mesir Makam : untuk memenuhi wasiatnya, oleh sang putra (Nabi Yusuf ‘Alaihis Salam), jenazahnya dipindah dimakamkan ke kota al-Khalil (Palestina)

11. Nabi Yusuf ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 110 tahun Wafat : di Mesir Makam : oleh saudara-saudaranya (untuk memenuhi wasiatnya) jenazahnya kemudian dipindah dimakamkan di Nablus (Palestina)

12. Nabi Syu’ab ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Makam : di desa Hathin dekat kota Thabariyah (Syria)

13. Nabi Ayyub ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 93 tahun Makam : di desa Syaikh Sa’d (dekat kota Damasykus) Syria.

14. Nabi Dzul Kifli ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : (tidak ada informasi) Lahir : di Mesir Makam : wafat di daerah gunung Thursina, menurut salah satu pendapat di samping Ayahanda di salah satu kota di Syam.

15. Nabi Yunus ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Makam : tidak ada informasi sama sekali tentang letak makamnya.

16. Nabi Musa ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 120 tahun Makam : wafat di daerah gunung Thursina dan di makamkan di sana.

17. Nabi Harun ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 122 tahun Makam : wafat di daerah gunung Thursina dan di makamkan di sana.

18. Nabi Ilyas ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Lahir : dilahirkan setelah masuknya Bani Isra’il ke Palestina. Makam : menurut satu pendapat ada di Ba’labak (Lebanon). (Tapi menurut satu pendapat, beliau belum wafat sampai sekarang –penerjemah)

19. Nabi Ilyasa’ ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan tempat tinggalnya dan daerah yang dituju setelah kaumnya ingkar di kota Banyas.

20. Nabi Dawud ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 100 tahun Kerajaan : bertahan sampai 40 tahun

21. Nabi Sulaiman ‘Alaihis Salam Kerajaan : beliau mewarisi kerajaan Ayahanda (yakni Nabi Dawud ‘Alaihis Salam) ketika umur 12 tahun, kerajaannya bertahan sampai 40 tahun.

22. Nabi Zakariya ‘Alaihis Salam Wafat : beliau dibunuh dengan cara digergaji oleh orang yang telah menyembelih sang putra (Nabi Yahya ‘Alaihis Salam)

23. Nabi Yahya ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : Tidak ada kitab yang menjelaskan masa hidupnya. Lahir : pada tahun yang sama dengan tahun kelahiran Nabi ’Isa al-Masih ‘Alaihis Salam. Wafat : ketika beliau sedang di Mihrab, disembelih oleh sesorang yang disuruh oleh seorang wanita jahat dari pihak raja yang zhalim. Makam : kepalanya dimakamkan di Masjid al-Jami’ al-Amawi (Damasykus-Syria)

24. Nabi ’Isa al-Masih ‘Alaihis Salam Umur : 33 tahun di bumi, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya ke langit setelah tiga tahun diangkat menjadi Nabi. Dituturkan, bahwa Ibunda (yakni Maryam) hidup 6 tahun setelah ’Isa al-Masih ‘Alaihis Salam diangkat ke langit. Maryam wafat dalam umur 53 tahun.

25. Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam Lahir : di Makkah tahun 570 M. Wafat : umur 63 tahun Makam : di rumah ’Aisyah di Masjid Nabawi Madinah dan dimakamkan di sana- sumber: Internet


Sunday, March 2, 2014


Too Perfect For Love?

Perfectionism may not be good for your relationships
Alexa was born a perfectionist. It wasn’t a problem, just something that was noticeable to her parents, siblings and family. When she was little she enjoyed coloring in the lines, arranging her toys in a symmetrical line and dressing her dolls just right. As she grew, she developed a tendency toward organization, keeping schedules and planning ahead. Alexa’s pattern is one that I call Overt Perfectionism in my book Overcoming Perfectionism: Finding Balance and Self-Acceptance, because it is visible to others.

Although in some ways it appears to be an advantage in life, perfectionism isn’t always a good thing.
In school or at work, perfectionism can be an asset; however, perfectionists will often have unexpected challenges in their friendships, sibling relationships and eventually in their intimate relationships. At 34, Alexa sought help after her second marriage seemed to be falling apart. She worked very hard at being a good spouse and she couldn’t cope with failing at another relationship. Her struggles were not something she could fix by being perfect. In fact, being perfect may have caused them.

he following behaviors and traits are noticeable in the overt perfectionist:
  • Critical of others (whether directly or indirectly)
  • Defensive when they feel criticized
  • Determined to avoid making mistakes and when they do, they hide or deny them
  • Guarded about showing any flaws or weaknesses
  • Unable or unwilling to ask for help with personal concerns
  • Afraid of vulnerability and thus have a fear of intimacy
  • Very particular about how things are done
  • Focused on tasks and things more than on people
  • Self conscious and preoccupied with what others think of them
Imagine yourself on the opposite side of a relationship with a perfectionist who exhibits all or even a few of these traits. The irony is that for a perfectionist, the harder he tries to be a good partner, the more alone his partner feels. They may be doing a great deal to manage a job, home, children and more, but not necessarily the things that a partner really needs and wants. The partner of a perfectionist may feel the absence of true closeness, equality and interdependence (reliance on one another in a balanced way). They will often see the perfectionist as critical, dissatisfied, unreachable, unavailable and without emotional needs. The perfectionist also ends up feeling alone and unappreciated and cannot understand what they are missing. It is devastating to devote oneself to being the best and finding out that it is not seen or appreciated.

With help and soul searching Alexa discovered that although her past and current partner found her interesting and dependable in the beginning, they did not feel emotionally connected to her. Because of her perfectionist pattern, Alexa had been attracted to partners who were at first in need of her stability, competence and independence and then later resented it. She was certain that she did not cause all of the problems in these relationships, but she was ready to face her personal role in her struggles.

She began a process of gradual change which may be helpful to others with this pattern:
  1. She asked her partner, friends and family to be honest with her about how she functioned in each relationship. She discovered that the people she cared about saw her as “one up” in their relationship with her. They told her that she was always ready to help and lead but not able to receive help or to be intimate. They often felt less than her and wished she would ask them for support. They wanted to be closer to her and were not judging or criticizing.
  2. She began to notice her own moments of weakness - times that tend to draw us closer to others if we are willing to share our concerns and needs. This was a challenge for Alexa since showing flaws and making mistakes were uncomfortable and even distressing. As she worked at being more real, she noticed that people around her were interested in her and cared about her feelings.
  3. Alexa began to accept others as they are which increased her anxiety for a while. She found that she was not giving advice or making suggestions to others about their lives. She wasn’t sure of what her role should be if she was not pleasing them. Her friendships were becoming more balanced and equal.
  4. Over time she began to embrace who she was – her essence, rather than her performance or appearance. Although she was still a bit of a perfectionist, she was softening, depending more on others, trying new things and having fun.
The key to changing a perfectionist pattern is to view it as a shift rather than a total transformation. It is more likely to happen if you put the focus on the rewards of becoming real. Everyone has flaws and that fact connects us with humanity. Pretending we don’t leads to isolation and at best, conditional love. Deep down, we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. The change starts with acknowledging our humanness and accepting the best and worst of who we are. Self improvement is a choice, not a mandate. Some things about us will never change and other traits may be altered by life experiences. In the meantime you are good enough for today – perfectly imperfect.

Sumber: Internet.