Can Coffee Help Diabetes Symptoms ?
- Can Coffee Help Diabetes Symptoms?
- What type and quantity of coffee is helpful?
- SHould i take coffee with heart diseases, diabetes, bleeding disorders, psychological disorders, sleep disorders, pregnancy or any other morbidity?
According to recent diabetes news by journal of diabetologia that coffee can help diabetes symptoms if taken regularly in morning. These findings are based on a broad cohort study groups comprising of one and a half million people in three groups of NHS1 , NHS 2 and Health professionals. Genders, racial and ethnic biases were minimized to possible limits.
Dietary follow ups were done every four years for coffee intake irrespective of types like coffee, coffee beans, espresso and cocoa beans etc . Patients were advised to report diabetes mellitus on their own. What happened? only 7 thousand reported out of 1.5 million,a statistically milestone of endocrinology compared to normal odds in population, these were very thin and improved.
Further intake frequency also had subgroups in reduction of diabetes risks. People with three cups of coffee in a day had 37 percent less chance to be diabetic and needy of insulin compared to those who took only one cup a day. The chance of diabetes mellitus type 2 was reduced to 11 % in people with one and a half cup intake a day.
On the contrary, those who cut their morning intake of coffee , they had more likelihood of getting diabetes symptoms compared to normal population by 17 percent.
So what kind of cup of coffee was used. Here are the details.
- number of ounces per cup = 8
- black and regular coffee.
- No decaf.
- No lattes
- No cappuccinos
- Milk and sugar in adequate amount neither more nor less.
- Low fat milk with no sugar was used.
Was Tea Helpful too? No it was not. Study how ever did not focus on tea aspects. No significant reports were mentioned. But what is different between coffee and tea,both have caffeine in it, is it some other secret ingredient behind this magic? Only further study will tell.
Moderate intake ( 2-3 cups per day) of 8 ounces cup of coffee with no espresso, latte or cappuccino and low fat milk and no added sugar may help reducing the diabetes mellitus type 2 risk and incidence.
Disclaimer: Please note that these are the results of a cohort group study and individual effects may vary so think and consult with your doctor before opting for any of this. If you have ADHD or any other stimulant issue, or insomnia or psychological issue where stimulants are contraindicated, this coffee business is not for you. This study is not for people with diabetes, heart diseases, Glaucoma, Bleeding disorders , Gastric issues like IBS or any other contraindication to caffeine.
Copied by Masbi: Dr Khan's Blog
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