Jiran sabelah rumah bermasaalah dengan otot kaki beliau yang sakit tanpa diketahui puncanya. Satelah memakan ubat dari hospital dan klinik tidak juga sembuh. Saperti biasa bomoh urut adalah orang yang akan mendapat perhatian selanjutnya. Walaubagaimana pun, kaki beliau tidak juga sembuh. Satelah mendengar nasihat saorang sahabat dengan tak semena-mena satelah meminum beberapa "sachet" kopi segera, sakit otot yang dialaminya sejak beberapa bulan lalu telah sembuh saperti kata perpatah Melayu Kedah " saperti ambik tauk buang "
Satelah dimaklumkan, saya telah membeli kopi tersebut (jenama xxx) dan mula meminumnya. Satelah diselidik kehalalan kopi tersebut, saya dapati terdapat "emulsifier " jenis E471 dan E472e. Emulsifier jenis ini dikatakan mengandungi unsur-unsur babi (khinzir). Saya mula melayari internet mencari bukti yang lebih kukuh dan mendapati butiran saperti berikut:-
Re: E471 - PIG??? HALAL or HARAM??
This use of E numbers is probably causing more confusion than what it was designed to eliminate.
E-471 is the new label designation for Mono- and Diglycerides of fatty acids (glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl distearate)
While it is possible to obtain it from animal products, it is more
economical to obtain it from plant fats such as coconut or corn oil. It
is very doubtful you will ever find it made from pig fat as it would be
expensive to extract. Since it is a significant component of vegetable
oils you may see it listed as an ingredients of products made with
vegetable oil.
However, since there is a chance it could be obtained from animals you
will want to verify the source, before eating the product - Woodrowli.
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