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Saturday, January 4, 2014


Salam semua,

Penulis rasa malas sikit nak tekan butang laptop diawal tahun baru 2014 ni. Ada banyak yang tak kena sampai peringkat seriuos pun ada.  Macam-macam berita yang kita dengar dalam tv, akhbar, blog, fb dan....macam-macam, tapi rasa tak teringin pun nak komen kecuali tentang nasib orang Melayu di negeri sendiri.

Posting kali ni biarlah berbaloi... pinjam orang punya pun takpa ( dengan izin oii ) asalkan orang kampung tak kena tipu..

Sambutan tahun baru 2014 sungguh hebat. dengan pancutan bunga api yang berharga bermilion2 ringgit, jamuan besar besaran untuk " declare " tahun visit Malaysia 2014. ( Betul la pelancung bawa diut masuk..tapi sapa yang dok dapat... Melayu... heheh.. jadi tukang bawa pelancung dah lumayan. )  Belanja  tetap belanja, besar kecik tok sah kira, asalkan belanja... Bila rakyat bising ( Bukan orang PKR saja yang bising orang BN pun banyak dah bersuara tentang susah nak hidup di bumi bertuah ni...!! ( dah tak bertuah lagi dah..) Lepas berbelanja nanti kita umumkan lah cost saving plan..saperti yang di umumkan oleh PM.

PATI lebih senang dan mewah tinggal di Malaysia, boleh berniaga, boleh mandu teksi, boleh jadi kontraktor katering boleh kawin dengan orang tempatan ( Melayu la siapa lagi.. ) dan macam-macam boleh. Anak tempatan ??  ( Melayu la siapa lagi.. )... merempat dan terus merempat. Nak berniaga pasar malam pun kena kelentong  oleh pegawai-pegawai kerajaan.

Bagi pegawai tinggi kerajaan pulak, orang pakai merz kita pun nak kena pakai merz jugak. Mak datin pulak  macam mana, nak pakai apa , sekurang-kurangnya  BMW 3S.. sudah lah beb.. yang jenama lain tak main la.... Anak pulak yang baru tahun dua/tiga dalam U pun tak nak pakai kereta jugak kah?....ok lah untuk u all  daddy bagi Honda City.. cukop ka.. Habis tu matainance macam mana pulak...jangan bimbang ada sponsor punya...        ( bukan nak tuduh menudoh tetapi inilah realitinya. )

Kesian kat orang kampong kerja buat macam mana pun pendapatan dok takok tu jugak.. harap duit BRIM  650 setahun ( 55.00 sebulan ) boleh buat pa... sekurang-kurangnya boleh jugak menabung dalam tabung haji... kau tunggulah beb kalau menabung sekarang tahun 2054 baru kau boleh naik haji itu pun kalau tak kojol. So, Melayu kenalah cari sumber rezeki yang lain... mintak ( doa)  dengan tuhan.. Insya'Allah tuhan makbulkan, tapi jangan dok saja..kenalah rajin bekerja.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cost Saving : JJ & Putrajaya Morons Insulting Our Intelligence Again

I have been informed by a big name UMNO Blogger that those 11 cost saving measures announced by the PM recently were cooked up by the same morons Jamaludin Jarjis, Idris Jala, Omar Ong and Dato Alice something (in the PMO).

I have not said anything about those 11 cost saving measures. I have been hearing quite a lot from other gomen people as well about those measures.  That does not mean I dont have anything to say. Just waiting for the right time. Here it is.
To be accurate (muahaha) first here is Bernama. You can read the full Bernama report yourself :

Dec 30 (Bernama) -- Najib Tun Razak Monday announced 11 measures to slash public sector expenditure beginning Jan 1, 2014
  1. reduction by 10% entertainment allowance for ministers/ dep. ministers.
  2. 5%-10% reduce entertainment allowance of Jusa C Grade and above 
  3. toll facility for senior govt officers reduced RM50/RM100 or 30% 
  4. Jusa C Grade & below only eligible for economy class 
  5. reduce by 5% electricity cost at all government premises
  6. freeze fresh application renovation of government offices 
  7. optimising existing office space to reduce rental 
  8. tighten appointment of consultants including conducting of feasibility studies
  9. cut down event management companies 
  10. door gifts or souvenirs during government conferences or events 
  11. reduce food & drinks, buntings & banners (at) official government functions
  12. use government-owned training institutions for organising courses, seminars 

Hey that is 12, not 11. Whatever. Here is the PM himself :

OK folks this is my feeling. Here is what will likely happen. You may agree or not agree :

1. reduction by 10% entertainment allowance for ministers/ dep. ministers - This is a joke. The Billionaire's Club does not need entertainment allowance at all. If they want to they can karaoke, sing, dance, belanja to their hearts content. I know only one or two ministers who really need an entertainment allowance.
2. 5%-10% reduce entertainment allowance of Jusa C Grade and above - their corporate friends will have to belanja more. Apa susah sangat?

3. toll facility for senior govt officers reduced RM50 - RM100 or 30% 
4. Jusa C Grade & below only eligible for economy class 

Wow!! This will save the gomen RM100 per Jusa C. And economy flights only - on domestic. Just how many Jusa C are there? 100? 1000? 10,000? So how many million rupiah will this save the gomen?

5. reduce by 5% electricity cost at all government premises

This one is just pulling the wool. How do you save 5%? Turn off lights in the toilets? Turn down the aircond? Do read on.

6. freeze fresh application renovation of government offices 

I think they will still renovate. But they will say, 'this renovation was approved BEFORE Najib's announcement.' And it will go on for the next four years.

7. optimising existing office space to reduce rental 

They dont even know what this means. I have a suggestion - pejabat Menteri pindah saja ke kandang monyet  di Zoo Negara. That will save some space. How about that? Boleh jimat makanan sekali. 

8. tighten appointment of consultants including conducting of feasibility studies

Ini membohong. What about the RM600 Million for Idris Jala's Pemandul? Will that RM600 Million be cancelled? Will Pemandul be unwound? No? Then why lie to the people?

Why is it that until today Idris Jala refuses to divulge to the Malaysian public how much money Pemandul has paid in consultancy fees to the consultants for the past five years since 2009? Why is it such a big secret? What does Idris Jala have to hide?

If Idris Jala cannot divulge even basic information like this then how is the public to know how much "less" money the gomen will pay the consultants? Jangan cakap kosong.

9. cut down event management companies 

This one I have solid evidence. The Dataran Merdeka is closed today - again. Something about Visit Malaysia Year 2014. This time for three days. It causes traffic jams and costs the economy millions in lost man hours. We came to work late this morning. Jalan semua tutup.  

So who is the event management company? Crony ke? How much was paid? Apa pasal tak cancel event? Or move it to Putrajaya or Taman Tasik Titiwangsa where there will be least disruptions to the public? When are the morons going to realise that KL City Centre is NOT the place to host events. So please jangan bohong pasal "cut down event management companies" ok.

10. door gifts or souvenirs during government conferences or events 

This is too stupid to even talk about. Yes it will save money. But how many millions? You mean the gomen has been giving out RM100 million in door gifts every year? (Alamak - unless it really is RM100 million.)

11. reduce food &  drinks, buntings & banners (at) official government functions

This is what those four morons can come up with? Jusa C and above get one karipap, below Jusa C get two karipap. Gred 55 and below get nasi lemak bungkus. How many hundred million Ringgit will this save the gomen and the economy?

12. use government-owned training institutions for organising courses, seminars

Here is how they will overcome this "problem". They will still use five star hotels, convention centres and such under any number of excuses. Too many people, we need audio visual facilities, we need broadcast facilities, we need more powerful aircond etc etc. Plus they will give the "discretion" to the Ketua Pengarah, the DG etc to waive the 'restrictions'. There will be a waiver almost every day. It will be back to square one. Ini semua cakap klentong saja.

And folks - I have a question. How will you (the member of the public) know that these &^%$$#s are not pulling a nother fast one? Has anyone thought about this? 

For example - have they informed the public what exactly is the gomen's annual electricity bill RIGHT NOW? No they have not. So even if they save 5%, increase 5% or increase 10% how will you know? 5% less from what figure? 

Is the gomen going to  make an announcement say in June 2014 that says 'So far for the first six months of 2014 our electricity bill is RMx.y Billion. This is a 5% savings on the RMx.z Billion we spent for the same period in 2013'.

Even then how will you know that they will not give you an inflated figure. Then after one year show you another  "feel good" figure and then declare 'See we have saved 5%'? 

How will you know? Who is going to monitor them? How will we know if they are telling the truth? Ponder this : do you trust this guy ?

They are just making fun of you and me. At the very best they are being childish. Not being serious at all. 

They understand very well that in Malaysia no one reads much, there is little or no critical analyses or critical thinking. They know this extremely very well. So they just  "memperbodohkan orang". Make fools of you and me.

Kalau betul nak cut cost - then reduce the number of Ministries. India has 1.4 Billion population. There are only about 24 Cabinet Ministers. Malaysia has 28 million people. Najib has about 40 Ministers. Belum kira Deputy Ministers. The Education Ministry has THREE deputy Ministers. Even  'Tulang Belakang Lembu' has Minister status.

The largest economy in the world the USA has less than 1.0 million Civil Servants. We have 1.4 million. Plus the GLCs, the gomen employs close to 2.0 million people. 

Now there is some bickering about the PM's jetplanes. The PM has about eight or nine jetplanes at his disposal. Two full size jetplanes and six or seven smaller ones. Why so many? 

Why do we need an office of the First Lady in the PM's Office? Never before has there been such a thing as a First Lady and with an office in the PMO. Can we shut down that FLOP's (First Lady of Putrajaya) office completely? It might save us RM100 million or more a year. 

These 11 cost saving measures do not amount to anything. The gomen budget for 2014 is about RM265 billion. These measures will not even save RM1.0 billion (one third of 1%).  

So the "Four Morons of the Apocalypse" are just pulling our legs. They are making fun of the people.

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